
Showing posts from November, 2022

Reasons Why You Should Seek Therapy

  Reasons Why You Should Seek Therapy The benefits of therapy are well-researched and backed by research. In fact, the American Psychological Association reports that more than 80% of people who receive treatment for mental health issues experience improvements in their lives. This can be attributed to several factors: Most of us have a hard time asking for help. It's not so much that we don't want to ask for help—it's more that we fear being perceived as weak or vulnerable. We have all been taught to think of ourselves as strong and capable, and nothing seems more threatening than being seen as a person who can't handle his or her own life. In fact, the first step toward getting better is learning how to ask for help when you need it. You don't need to feel like you are at the end of your rope. You don't need to feel like you are at the end of your rope. You can always seek help. The best time is when you need it. It's not too late, and there is no reason w...

Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Importance of Mental Health Awareness Everyone deserves to be able to live their lives with the right mental health. Mental health is important to overall wellness and well-being, but it is often misunderstood and poorly researched. Here are some reasons why mental health awareness is important: Mental health awareness is important because it helps eliminate the stigma around mental health issues. Mental health awareness is important because it helps eliminate the stigma around mental health issues. Stigma can prevent people from seeking treatment and help, which results in them suffering in silence, or, even worse: not seeking it at all. To combat this issue, we must educate ourselves and others on what mental health is, how to talk about it without being offensive or stigmatizing and how to treat those who are suffering from a mental illness. The most important part of this process is having open discussions about these topics so that everyone understands what it means when someone s...


  IT’S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY In a world where everyone tries their best to present their best selves all the time, it can be easy to forget that it is okay to not be okay. The pressure to always be okay can be extremely taxing and can put a real strain on your mental health. Remembering that it is okay to not be okay is important and is a crucial step in advancing your  mental health  journey.         Let yourself feel your feelings. We all have bad mental health days and times when we struggle to see the good. Let yourself have these days every now and then. It’s important to not try to run from difficult or uncomfortable emotions but instead to sit with them and give yourself the space to feel and experience them. If we try to instead suppress, ignore, or deny these emotions, we often end up doing more harm than good,...